What is Emsculpt Neo?

The only body sculpting device designed to simultaneously eliminate fat cells and build new muscle fiber non-invasively by a unique combination of radiofrequency heating & HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electromagentic pulses) in a single treatment.

Is it painful?

It is not painful. The EMSCULPT NEO procedure feels like an intensive workout of muscles in the target area being treated. The variable level is increased by the EMSCULPT NEO Specialist during the course of the treatment based on your feedback. The level is gradually increased over the series of treatments. The goal is to achieve your maximum tolerable intensity without ever being painful.

How does it work?

Building muscle:
In a single EMSCULPT NEO® treatment, HIFEM+ produces thousands of electric pulses ▪ The induced currents trigger muscle contractions. This leads to an induction of thousands of muscle contractions in a single 30-minute session and the ability to Bypass the brain’s limitations to induce supramaximal contractions in the muscles which are not achievable during a voluntary workout. 1 30 min. session= 20,000 situps


Reducing Fat:
Before inducing the contractions, the RF energy heats underlying tissue. This warms the muscle up in preparation for the contractions. The RF technology adds a synergistic effect to the muscle building while also triggering lipolysis: the death of fat cells. Thermal energy via RF disrupts the fat cells. The lymphatic system collects the destroyed fat cells and processes them out of the body as waste. The fat cells cannot grow back after they are removed from the body, producing long-lasting results.

How long is a treatment?

Treatments are 30-minutes per area
*Initial visit will be 45-minutes to allow for consultation and evaluation

How many treatments should I do?

We offer individual and package pricing for our Emsculpt Neo services, however, it is highly recommended to complete a package (4 sessions done with treatments 5-10 days apart) to maximize value and allow us to provide the most optimal results. Clinical Studies were based on a series of 4 sessions and resulted in 30% fat loss and 25% new muscle growth

Can I still workout after?

There is no downtime or recovery period needed. You can continue your normal routine. Listen to your body though- If you received an Ab treatment, it is best not to do an intense ab workout that day

Is it FDA Cleared?


What areas can be treated?

Abs, Glutes, Hamstrings, Inner Thigh, Outer Thigh, Biceps, and Triceps

Can I do multiple body parts?

Absolutely! Each area will be a 30-minute treatment, and we would only treat up to 2 areas each visit.

What should I wear?

Please wear comfortable clothing that allows the technician to access the treatment area as the applicators cannot be placed over clothing. All jewelry and objects containing metal will need to be removed prior to treatment.